Pre PRP Hair Instructions
It is best to come in with clean hair and scalp
Avoid taking any NSAIDS prior to the procedure (Motrin, Alleve, Aspirin)
Please plan how you plan to wear your hair after the procedure
We will be recommending that you not wash your hair for 3 days
Plan on not being able to wear any tightly fitting caps or hats for the next few days
Post PRP Hair Injections Instructions
For 3 days you should NOT do any of the following:
Do not wash your hair or use direct shower pressure to scalp for 48 hours
Do not massage your scalp vigorously or allow direct shower pressure for 72 hours
Do Not swim or undertake any strenuous exercise for 3 days
Do Not expose yourself to long periods of the sun
Do Not sit in a sauna, hot tub, or Jacuzzi for 3 days
Potential side Effects:
In some very rare cases, slight side effects may occur. Redness, local swelling, edema, local pain. These should not last more than a few hours or up to a few days. These are normal treatment consequences. Nevertheless, immediately contact your treating physician for a professional opinion about side effects. According to your specific skin reactions, additional injection sessions may be recommended to give you the desired results. This should be discussed with your physician.
There always general risks concerning the technique, methods, and material to which you will be exposed, even after precise injections made by highly skilled physicians. In case of local infection, antibiotics may be prescribed.